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RRP: $11.99 (inc GST)
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Product Code: 76015
RRP: $302.50 (inc GST)
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Product Code: 76015
RRP: $94.05 (inc GST)
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Product Code: 76015
Premium Plus Rigid Strapping Tape is an extra strong athletic tape capable of
supporting joints during vigorous physical activity. Effective for use in both
preventative and rehabilitation taping techniques.
When applied properly,
restricts the movement of ligaments, tendons and joints to prevent injury or
re-injury under high-stress conditions. Constructed to be as stable as possible
with a rubber zinc oxide adhesive mass.
The athletic tape is flesh
coloured with pink edges. The pink edges provide quicker application while
simultaneously eliminating threading. Be sure to seek advice from a
physiotherapist if youre unsure about the most effective athletic tape
strapping techniques.
Can be applied as
preventative taping and also for post injury taping (rehabilitation techniques)
following injury.